Women’s Health in Women’s Hands netWORKING Mentorship Project is dedicated to supporting the personal, professional, and academic needs of young African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) women. Funded by the Government of Ontario’s Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services, the program will support ACB women living in the Greater Toronto Area between the ages of 16-25.
- The 3-year initiative aims to strengthen leadership, increase educational attainment, and enhance positive health outcomes for young Black women by offering
- One-one-one career driven mentorships
- Practical support workshops (i.e. budgeting, resume writing, etc.)
- Engaging groups and panels on topics including, but not limited to mental, physical, sexual health, and well-being, post-secondary education, leadership, African identity, and Black womanhood
- Community support and system navigation
For more information contact: