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Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre

July 2015



Loutfy, M., Tharao, W., Logie, C., Aden, A. M., Chambers, L. A., Wu, W., Abdelmaseh, M., Calzavara, L. (2015). Systematic review of stigma reducing interventions for African/Black diasporic women. Journal of the International AIDS Society18:19835


Massaquoi, N., (2015). Queer Theory and Intersectionality. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 19. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 765–770. ISBN: 9780080970868


Macdonald, M. E., Ng, R., Yudin, H. M., Bayoumi, M. A., Loutfy, M., Raboud, J., Khatundi, I. M.,Tharao, E. W., Brophy, J., Glazier, H. R., Antoniou, T. (2015). Postpartum Maternal and Neonatal Hospitalizations Among Women with HIV: A Population-Based Study.  AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2015 Jul 28. Epub 2015 Jul 28.


Erin M Macdonald, Ryan Ng, Ahmed M Bayoumi, Janet Raboud, Jason Brophy, Khatundi-Irene Masinde, Wangari E Tharao, Mark H Yudin, Mona R Loutfy, Richard H Glazier, Tony Antoniou (2015). Adverse Neonatal Outcomes Among Women Living With HIV: A Population Based Study. J Obstet Gynaecology Canada; 37(4):302-9



Antoniou, T., Zagorski, B., Macdonald, E., Bayoumi, A.M., Raboud, J., Brophy, J., Masinde, K.I., Tharao, W.E., Yudin, M.H., Ng, R., Loutfy, M.R., & Glazier, R.H. (2014). Trends in live birth rates and adverse neonatal outcomes among HIV-positive women in Ontario, Canada, 2002–2009: a descriptive population-based study. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 25(13), 960-966. doi: 10.1177/0956462414526861.


Yi, T. J., Shannon, B., Chieza, L., Su, D., Saunders, M., Tharao, W.,Huibner, S, Remis, R., Raboud, J., & Kaul, R. (2014). Valacyclovir therapy does not reverse herpes-associated alterations in cervical immunology: a randomized, placebo-controlled crossover trial. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 210(5), 708-712.



Carter, A.J., Bourgeois, S., O'Brien, N., Abelsohn, K., Tharao, W., Greene, S., Margolese, S., Kaida, A., Sanchez, M., Palmer, A. K., Cescon, A., de Pokomandy, A., Loutfy, M. R., & on behalf of CHIWOS Research Team. (2013). Women-specific HIV/AIDS services: identifying and defining the components of holistic service delivery for women living with HIV/AIDS.  Journal of the International AIDS Society, 16, 17433.


Kennedy, V.L., Serghides, L., Raboud, J., Sud, D., Blitz, S., Hart, T., Walmsley, L.S., Angel, B.J., Smaill, M.F., Ralphi, D.D., Tharao, E.T., Loutfy, R.M., & the Ontario HIV Fertility Research Team. (2013). The importance of motherhood in HIV-positive women of reproductive age in Ontario, Canada. AIDS Care, 26(6), 777-84.


Logie, C., James, L., Tharao, W., & Loutfy, M. (2013). Associations between HIV-related stigma, racial discrimination, gender discrimination, and depression among HIV-positive African, Caribbean, and Black women in Ontario, Canada. AIDS Patient Care & STDs, 27(2), 114-122, doi: 10.1089/apc.2012.0296.


Massaquoi, N. (2013). No Place Like Home: African Refugees and the Emergence of a New Queer Frame of Reference. In M. Epprecht & S.N. Nyeck (Eds.), Sexual Diversity in Africa: Politics, Theory, and Citizenship. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.


Weaver, J., Newman, A. P., Williams, C. C., Massaquoi, N., Brown, M. (2013). “Sisters Mothers Daughters and Aunties”: HIV vaccine acceptability among African Caribbean and other Black women in Toronto. Can J Public Health; 104(5):e413-7.


Morshed, M., Logie, C., Tharao, W., & Loutfy, M. (2013). WCBR Project- Involving Ontario HIV-Positive Women and Their Service Providers in Determining Research Needs and Priorities. Toronto: WHIWH CHC and Women’s College Research Institute.


Remis, R. S., Liu, J., Loutfy, M., Tharao, W., Rebbapragada, A., Perusini, S. J., Chieza, L., Saunders, M., Green-Walker, L., & Kaul, R. (2013). The epidemiology of sexually transmitted co-infections in HIV-positive and HIV-negative African-Caribbean women in Toronto. BMC Infectious Diseases13(1), 550.

Tharao, W., & Massaquoi, N. (2013). Black Women and HIV/AIDS, Contextualizing their Realities, their Silence and Proposing Solutions. In A. Miles (Ed), Women in a Globalized World, Transforming Equality, Development, Diversity and Peace (pp. 471-482). Toronto: Inanna Publications and Education Inc.


Tharao, W., Muchenje, M., & Mehes, M. (2013).  An Evidence-based Intervention to Support African, Caribbean and Black Women in Canada Disclose their HIV-Position Status. In J.C. Gahagan (Ed.), Women and HIV Prevention in Canada: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice (pp. 105-134). Toronto: Women’s Press, an imprint of Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.



Gray, K., Tharao, W., & Calzavara, L. (2012). Conducting research with hard-to reach populations: Lessons learned from the East African Health Study in Toronto (EAST).


Logie, C., James, L., Tharao, W., & Loutfy, M. (2012). Opportunities, ethical challenges and lessons learned from a multi-method community-based research project with HIV-positive women in Ontario, Canada. The Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 7(4), 10-19.


Logie, C. H., James, L., Tharao, W., & Loutfy, M.R. (2012). "We don't exist": a qualitative study of marginalization experienced by HIV-positive lesbian, bisexual, queer and transgender women in Toronto, Canada. Journal of International AIDS Society, 15(2), 1-11. doi: 10.7448/IAS.15.2.17392.


Loutfy, M. R., Logie, C. H., Zhang, Y., Blitz, S.L., Margolese, S. L., Tharao, E. W., Rourke, S. B., Rueda, S., & Raboud, J. M. (2012). Gender and Ethnicity Differences in HIV-related Stigma Experienced by People Living with HIV in Ontario, Canada. PLoS ONE, 7(12), e48168. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048168.



Kaul R., Cohen C.R., Chege, D., Yi, T.J., Tharao, W., McKinnon, L.R., Remis, R., Anzala O., & Kimani, J. (2011). Biological factors that may contribute to regional and racial disparities in HIV prevalence. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 65(3), 317–324. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0897.2010.00962.x.


Lala, A. (2011). Seeing the Whole Picture: A Culturally Sensitive Art Therapy Approach to Address Depression amongst Ethnically Diverse Women. In H. Burt (Ed.), Art Therapy and Postmodernism: Creative Healing Through a Prism (pp. 32-48). London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.


Logie, C.H., James, L., Tharao, W., & Loutfy, M.R. (2011). HIV, gender, race, sexual orientation, and sex work: a qualitative study of intersectional stigma experienced by HIV-positive women in Ontario, Canada. PLoS Med, 8(11). doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001124.


Curling, D., Chatterjee, S., Massaquoi, N. (2009). Women’s Transnational Locations as a Determinant of Mental Health:  Results from a Participatory Action Research Project with New Immigrant Women of Color in Toronto, Canada. In J. Gallivan & S. Cooper (Eds.), Pathways, Bridges and Havens: The Psychosocial Determinants of Women’s Health. Sydney, Nova Scotia: Cape Breton University Press.


Loutfy, M., Hart A.T., Mohammed S.S., Su, D., Ralph, D.E., Walmsley, L.S., Soje, L., Muchenje, M., Rachlis, R.A., Smaill, M.F., Angle. B.J., Raboud, M.J., Silverrman, S.M., Tharao E.W., Gough, K., & Yudin, H. (2009). Fertility desires and intentions of HIV-positive women of reproductive age in Ontario, Canada: a cross-sectional study. PLoS ONE, 4(12), 1-10.


Williams, C., Newman, P.A., Sakamoto, I., & Massaquoi, N. (2009). HIV prevention risks for Black women in Canada. Social Science and Medicine, 68(1), 12-20. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.09.043.



Gardezi, F., Calzavara, L., Husbands, W., Myers, T., Tharao, W., Lawson, E., George, C., Pancham, A., Remis, R., Willms, D., McGee, F., & Adebajo, S. (2008). Experiences of and responses to HIV among African and Caribbean communities in Toronto, Canada. AIDS Care, 20(6), 718-725. doi: 10.1080/09540120701693966.


Gray, K., Calzavara, L., Tharao, W., Johns, A., & the EAST Study team. (2008). The East African Health Study in Toronto (EAST): Results from a Survey of HIV and Health-Related Behaviour, Beliefs, Attitudes, and Knowledge. Toronto: University of Toronto, The HIV Social, Behavioural, and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Dalla Lana School of Public Health.


Massaquoi, N. (2008). The Continent as a Closet: The Making of an African Queer Theory. In S. Nyeck & U. Azuah (Eds.), Outliers, IRN- Africa. 


Newman, P.A., Williams, C.C., Massaquoi, N., Brown, M., & Logie, C. (2008).  HIV prevention for Black women: structural barriers and opportunities. The Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 19(3), 829-841.


Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre. (2008). The Woman I Have Become: Discussion Guide. Toronto: Author.



Larkin, J., Lombardo, C., Walker, L., Bahreini, R., Tharao, W., Mitchell, C., & Dubazane, N. (2007). Taking IT Global Xpress: Youth Photovoice and HIV and AIDS. In N. de Lange, C. Mitchell, & J. Stuart (Eds.), Putting People in the Picture: Visual Methodologies for Social Change. Rotterdam/Taipei: Sense Publishers.


Massaquoi, N. (2007). An Unsettled Feminist Discourse. In N. Massaquoi & N. Wane (Eds.), Theorizing Empowerment: Canadian Perspectives on Black Feminist Thought. Toronto: Inanna Publications & Education Inc.


Massaquoi, N. (2007). Crossing Boundaries to Radicalize Social Work Practice and Education. In D. Baines (Ed.), Doing Anti-Oppressive Practice: Building Transformative, Politicized Social Work. Halifax, N.S.: Fernwood.


Massaquoi, N., & Wane, N. (Eds.). (2007). Theorizing Empowerment: Canadian Perspectives on Black Feminist Thought. Toronto: Inanna Publications & Education Inc.


Tharao, E., & Cornwell, L. (2007), Feminist Leadership and Female Genital Mutilation in Canada: A Case of Women’s Health in Women’s Hands CHC. In N. Massaquoi & N. Wane (Eds.), Theorizing Empowerment: Canadian Perspectives on Black Feminist Thought. Toronto: Inanna Publications & Education Inc.


Williams, C., Newman, P.A., Massaquoi, N., Brown, M. & C. Logie. (2007). Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research Abstract: Sisters, Mothers, Daughters and Aunties: Structural Barriers and Opportunities for HIV Prevention Among Black Women. The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology, 18(B), 27B.



African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario and Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre. (2006). HIV Prevention Guidelines and Manual: A Tool for Service Providers Serving African and African Caribbean Communities in Canada. Toronto: WHIWH CHC.


Lawson, E., Gardezi, F., Calzavara, L., Husbands, W., Myers, T., Tharao, E. W., & the Stigma Study Team. (2006). HIV/AIDS Stigma, Denial, Fear and Discrimination: Experiences and Responses of People from African and Caribbean Communities in Toronto. Toronto: The African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario and the HIV Social, Behavioural and Epidemiological Studies Unit, University of Toronto.


Massaquoi, N. (2006). An African Child Becomes a Black Canadian Feminist (reprint). In A. Medovarski & B. Cranney (Eds.), Canadian Woman Studies: An Introductory Reader. Toronto: Inanna Publications & Education Inc.


Tharao, E., Massaquoi, N., & Teclom, S. (2006). Silent Voices of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: African and Caribbean Women in Toronto 2002 – 2004. Toronto: WHIWH CHC.



Gastaldo, D., Gooden, A., & Massaquoi, N. (2005). Transnational health promotion: social well-being across borders and immigrant women’s subjectivities. Wagadu: A Journal of Transnational Women’s and Gender Studies, 2(1).


Massaquoi, N. (2005). Think Globally Act Appropriately: A Community Health Centres Response to Violence Against Women. In G. S. Harding (Ed.), Surviving in the Hour of Darkness: A look at Women of Colour, Indigenous Women, and Healing. Calgary: University of Calgary Press.


Tharao, E., Massaquoi, N., & Teclom, S. (2005). African and Caribbean Women in Toronto, Silent voices of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Canada. Canadian Women’s Health Network, 8(1/2), 13-14.



Massaquoi, N. (2004). An African Child Becomes a Black Canadian Feminist. Canadian Women’s Studies, 23(2), 140-144. .



Ethno Racial People with Disabilities Coalition of Ontario. (2003). Building Inclusive Communities Tips Tool: Promoting Awareness of Culture and Diversity. Toronto: Author.



Tharao, E., & Massaquoi, N. (2002) Black Women and HIV/AIDS: Contextualizing Their Realities, Their Silence and Proposing Solutions. Canadian Women’s Studies, 21(2), 72-82.



Massaquoi, N. (2001).  Queer Theory and Intersectionality. In N. Smelser, & P.B. Baltes (Eds.) The International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Pergamon.


Tharao E., & Massaqoui N. (2001), Black Women and HIV/AIDS: Contextualizing their Realities, their Silence and Proposing Solutions. Canadian Women Studies Journal, 21(2), 72-80.


Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre. (2001). A Brief on Bill C-11: An Act Respecting Immigration to Canada and the Granting of Refugee Protection to Persons who are Displaced, Persecuted or in Danger. Submitted to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration. Toronto: Author.



Massaquoi, N. (2000). Writing Resistance. In G.S. Harding (Ed.), Our Words, Our Revolutions: Diverse Voices of Black Women, First Nations Women and Women of Color in Canada. Toronto: Inanna Publications and Education Inc.


Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre. (2000). Caafimaadka ay Haweenku Heli Karaan. Toronto: Author.


Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre. (2000). Healthy Options for Women. Toronto: Author.


Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre. (2000). Mapendekezo ya Kiafya Kwa Wakinamama. Toronto: Author.


Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre. (2000). Ontario Elder Abuse Conference: Nobody Knows our Sorrow: Working to Eliminate Elder Abuse Affecting Immigrant Women from Ethnoracial Communities: Toronto: Author.


Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre. (2000). Options de Santé pour Femme. Toronto: Author. .



Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre. (1996).  A Brief on Bill C-27: An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (child prostitution, child sex tourism, criminal harassment and female genital mutilation). Submitted to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs. Toronto: Author.



Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre. (1994). Faahfaahin, qoraallo iyo talooyin dheeraad ah waxaad ka heli kartaa. Toronto: Author.


Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre. (1994). Pre and Post Natal Care of the Patient subjected to Female Genital Mutilation. Toronto: Author.



Clarke, N., Cornwell, L., Gibson, F., Keyi, V., Mohamed, H., & Telfer, S. (1993). FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION: Information for Educators and Service Providers to Support the Student and her Family. Toronto: WHIWH CHC.