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Current News on WHIWH Research

A/C Study Community Report Launch

The A/C study aimed to estimate the prevalence of HIV and determine the main factors that influence HIV risk and vulnerability among African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) communities in Ottawa and Toronto. The primary objectives of the A/C Study were to describe: the prevalence of HIV,  behaviours associated with transmission of HIV, HIV testing behaviours, core knowledge related to HIV transmission and acquisition, key individual and structural factors that affect vulnerability to HIV, care and treatment history for HIV, and access to and use of health services.

By providing this information, the research team seeks to empower the ACB community with knowledge to improve HIV prevention, management, and treatment. Mounting evidence collected over the past two decades have shown ACB communities to be disproportionately affected by HIV in Ontario. Hence, we hope this information will be pivotal in helping ACB communities and other stakeholders to address HIV and reduce its prevalence and incidence. To reach this goal, we encourage you to share this document with your colleagues,  partners and communities so that they too can have a better understanding of HIV-related issues affecting ACB communities and how we can collaborate to address HIV effectively.

Report coming soon.



Current Study